The best apps and platforms for bookworms-food for the book nerd in you

Jun 25, 2024
Die besten Apps und Plattformen für Bücherwürmer – Futter für den Buch-Nerd in dir

Having a book in your hand is good, but having a book in your hand and an ingenious app that makes reading even more enjoyable is simply better. Today we present you some digital helpers that will take your reading pleasure to the next level. So grab your reading glasses, make yourself comfortable, and let's read through this chapter together (no spoiler alerts, I promise).

1. Goodreads, Lovelybooks, Lesejury and Co. – The social book butterflies

You know them, you love them, and they may already be your secret affairs! These platforms are like Facebook for books. Here you can manage your book lists, write reviews and see what your book-loving friends are currently devouring. You can also take part in reading groups or reading challenges – because we all need a little motivation to tackle the piles of books on our bedside table.

2. Libby – The library in your pocket

Smell of old books – we know you love it! But sometimes the local library is as accessible as a sphinx. Libby, the clever app from OverDrive libraries, brings thousands of books directly to your smartphone or tablet. Simply link your library card and you can browse through what your library has to offer. Magical, just without a magic wand and a rabbit!

3. Audible, Bookbeat and Co. – The gentle voice murmurers

Are you also bookworms who dream of Xaden Riorsons whispering in your ear? Welcome to the audiobook apps! They bring you audio books, radio plays and exclusive podcasts directly to your smartphone. Perfect for long car rides, sunny walks, or those inevitable trips to the gym where you'd rather be in a different world than on the treadmill.

4. Wattpad – The typewriter for your pocket

Not only reading, but also writing is your thing? Then grab Wattpad! Here you can publish your own stories and delve into the works of other amateur and professional authors. Who knows, maybe your next favorite novel will take place right here on the app?

5. Bookly, Reado and Bookie The App – The reading trainer

Bookly is the fitness tracker equivalent for your reading progress. You can record your reading time, view statistics on your reading speed, and set goals. Because let's be honest, sometimes we need a bit of gamification to overcome our laziness and finally read through that 1,000-page epic.

6. Blinkist – The blurb for those in a hurry

Do you love non-fiction books, but everyday life rarely allows you to read through a whole book? Blinkist summarizes the essence of thousands of nonfiction books in 15-minute blinks. Perfect for your lunch break, a taxi ride or an espresso shot in between. Knowledge is power – and now you no longer have the excuse of not having time!

So, now you know the little magic tricks that make the life of a book lover even more beautiful. Dive into the digital reading adventure and give your bookshelves a breather. Remember that the real treasure lies not in the number of books you have, but in the depth of the stories you experience.

Happy reading and see you next chapter!
